Clinical Supervision

Individual clinical supervision for counsellors, therapists and clinical social workers.

As an experienced and qualified therapist, Miraa offers supervision to counsellors to help resolve any challenges, anxieties or concerns they may be having in their own counselling practice. 


“From many years of clinical practice I am certain that expansion of awareness, the ability to see the bigger picture and to understand what is happening introspectively, is closely aligned with emotional well-being.” Miraa Best 



Getting started

Clinical Supervision can be face-to-face, online, or by telephone. Online supervision means you meet with Miraa from the privacy and comfort of your own home or office. You can attend sessions by Skype or Messenger.

Payments to Miraa Best can be made by cash or bank transfer.

Please note: that booking an appointment involves reservation of time specifically for you. Sessions cancelled or missed with less than 24 hours notice will normally be charged for unless we have agreed a prior alternative arrangement.